Novel no 4 is coming…
My next novel is about three-quarters finished! I’m not going to say much about it yet except that it’s set in West Wales and picks up on a minor character from novel no 3, Beyond Closure. Here’s a snippet…
‘There was a special pleasure to be indulged when you spread out the folds of your Ordnance Survey paper map and entered in. You saw the big picture, that was the thing, not the bit that could be reduced to a small screen in your hand. My OS map took up half the table. You could see the black railways and red main roads, sometimes with grey building clinging to them, which connected the various route centres. The little brown roads and yellow roads and byways wandered with less obvious intent. Then there were the features that man had had no hand in: the intricacies of the twisting coast where the sea had gnawed it into shape, the tracery of streams and rivers, the brown contours which let into your head an image of the rumpled terrain. You know, maybe I could have been a geographer. In another life.’